who has time to knit?

Posted by on July 19, 2004 in other things, Uncategorized | 0 comments

I have lots of pictures to share, but no time right now, maybe tomorrow or the next day. I went to the San Diego monthly Knit-together in Balboa Park last Saturday. It was a great time and I learned to spin! I even met a couple fellow bloggers. Links in my next post! Then my cousin and her family came for a visit and I had a mini vacation and showed them the sights. We got terrific sunburns and wore ourselves out, but laughed and had fun the entire time. I even taught her and her daughter to knit. Ha! Two more converts :o). Three exclamation points in one paragraph! Oops, I mean four. Is that a major grammar faux pas? It was all exciting stuff, believe me.

This weekend I was a lump on the couch. I think this past week is one of the hottest we’ve had since moving here two years ago, and our air conditioning conveniently went out. That’s right, it’s been 88 degrees in the house, at 7:00 pm. Lovely. The needed replacement part has arrived, however, and is scheduled to be here tomorrow. Bless you, air conditioning repair man!

I made a cousin for Mort, for a new neice (sceduled to arrive sometime in October), her name is Sally Bean (Mort’s cousin, not my neice), and that is one of the pictures I will put up here shortly. She is purple and a bit more serious than Mort, because being purple makes you that way, I guess.

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