tender fingers

Posted by on August 14, 2006 in stitch | 4 comments

I can’t stop embroidering:
Only two flowers to go, but I think I am going to take a break and re-cover the sofa cushions so it will be all ready for it’s new pillow. My fingers are a little sore, they need a rest.

I’ve also started another little project, which I need to finish up on my sewing machine:
This is going to be a little something for my niece. She loves airplanes.

I’m on a roll, there should be a whole lot more to see tomorrow!


  1. Love the airplane. I’m sure our neice will love it.:-)

  2. Very nice! No wonder you can’t stop it all looks great!

  3. I LOVE IT i really cant wait to see more pictures of the orange cushion….i want to be able to do that….one day eh???you clever thing πŸ™‚

  4. LOve it, can’t wait to see the whole orange cushion, and that airplane is just adorable πŸ™‚

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