Self Portrait Tuesday

Posted by on August 9, 2005 in other things, Uncategorized | 3 comments

I’m late, but it’s still Tuesday:


This is me and my new BFF, my beautiful niece Mimi. Mimi is the nickname she gave herself. She likes the camera, as you can see by the hand reaching to grab it.

I have a ton of pictures to share from the wedding, and lots of stories to share. I do believe I will be posting very often this week.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for my swap goodies I’m totally in love with the goodies you’ve sent me!
    And you little niece looks so cute – so do you :o)

  2. You and your niece have the same colour eye! So beautiful.

  3. i wanted to let you know i have set up an SPT blog at

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