pretty boring

Posted by on June 1, 2009 in other things | 6 comments

I feel a little boring right now. I need to sew something cute just so I can post it here. I have been cooking and gardening and beekeeping, which are not boring, but I don't have pretty pictures to share at the moment. So enjoy this little William Morris rose from my yard. It's such a trooper, it just keeps coming back every year, even though I keep thinking the gophers or the weeds are going to get it. It's climbing on an old white iron headboard. It would be so cute if it wasn't surrounded by so many weeds. I love old fashioned English roses.


  1. Ooh I love English roses too. Can’t wait to see what you make next!

  2. I know what you mean — the call of the outdoors is very strong. So much to do!! Somehow it’s easier to sew if it’s dreary and cold outside…
    I look forward to seeing what you come up with, though! And your rose is beautiful. At first I thought it was a peony!
    Love your cheerful blog!

  3. You- boring? Nah! I feel the same though right now- wheels spinning, but nothing materializing as of yet. You sound like you have lots to keep you busy.

  4. We have the same problem with our roses – but at least they are high enough now that we can just look at the flowers and ignore the burgeoning weed problem underneath. I do like that William Morris rose – we have a lot of old roses and David Austins in our garden and while they don’t handle the humidity or occasional drying out they get here all that well, I just can’t put in hybrid teas or anything that doesn’t smell fabulous and look all romantic.

  5. Bee keeping, hu? I want to do that in a couple of years. Not in a big way, but a hive or two in the orchard would be nice. I’m nervous though. Any tips?

  6. I love old fashioned English roses, too! So beautiful, so romantic. 🙂

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