peonies for no reason

Posted by on May 24, 2006 in other things, Uncategorized | 5 comments

Remember how I said Mr. Lucy was very generous? He did it again today:

Peonies1 Peonies2

These were delivered to me at work this morning. I have a hard time picking a favorite flower, but I really do think peonies are wonderful. What makes them more special, for me, is that they don’t grow in Southern California. Since we live in the mountains, we thought we might have some luck, since it does freeze in the winter. We planted a peony bush, and it’s come up every year, but we’ve never had any blossoms. I’m going to enjoy these for the rest of the week and take them home Friday and see if I can’t get some better pictures. Office lighting isn’t the most flattering for flower photography.

Good grief, this is adorable.

UPDATE: I am not the only one loving peonies right now.


  1. Peonies are my favorite flower too. I’m already really excited about our town market (do you remember them) tomorrow because they sell cheap but good flowers and I’m going to pick up a lot of peonies. I’m so enjoying your Hive Marne 🙂

  2. Those are gorgeous!! I love them.
    About growing peonies–how long have you waited? I live in Northern California where it never snows and I have a bunch of peony bushes that I waited four years before they produced blooms. I also tried things like manure tea and 0-10-10.
    I think you can get blooms.

  3. So pretty! I miss peonies and lilacs.

  4. Your peonies are BEAUTIFUL! I’m not too jealous since I planted 3 peony trees and 4 bush peonies this spring. Of course since we leave for China for a year of teaching we will miss the first year of them blooming. Oh, well can’t win everything, we’ll enjoy them in spring of 08.

  5. I have a whole bed of beautiful peonies which I wait for every spring. Last night, I decided I needed some more because they are just toooooo beautiful for words. Today, I went and bought five more. Even without the blooms, they are beautiful. Enjoy yours.

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