Novelty Yarn

Posted by on July 27, 2004 in other things, Uncategorized | 5 comments

So I’m just going to call this ‘Novelty Yarn’ and be happy about it:


It’s a bit thick and thin. I’d like to make something from it, but I’m not quite sure what. What have others made from hand spun yarn? Any suggestions would be welcome. I want to use it, since I’m going to all this trouble, but I don’t think there will be a whole lot, so I need to come up with a small but useful project.

In the FO department I have these:


My first attempt at booties. I like them, although I think the next time I will use wool yarn-these are Debbie Bliss Cotton Angora and the fabric is just a bit stiffer than I was expecting.

Hi to all the visitors coming from Kerstin’s site. I hope you’ll come back again some time!


  1. The setting for your pictures is so pretty.
    Love Sally – it looks so professional.

  2. Yay, you got new visitors! I haven’t made anything with my handspun yet, but I’ll probably stick to the small stuff. Hats, mittens, scarfs. I’ll never be motivated enough to spin enough for a sweater, that’s for sure!

  3. Hiya: Your handspun looks great. A couple of suggestions:
    1. You could use it for the novelty portion of a “Celebrity Scarves” type scarf – and use store bought for the other stripes, picking a smooth, shiny yarn.
    2. You may want to swatch because you’ll probably be surprised at how great it’ll look all knit up… so maybe a pair of mittens in a garter stitch. Check out Interweave Press’s Homespun, Handknit book for lots of good small-yardage ideas.
    Good luck!!

  4. We have known all along what a great little blog you have going on here : ) Just a creative gal.

  5. Pretty!

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