Little Yellow Monsters and Other Things

Posted by on June 14, 2004 in other things, Uncategorized | 4 comments

I was extraordinarily productive this weekend. I was on such a roll, I wish I’d had another couple days. First I made a friend for my nephew:


His name is Mort, and he will be in the mail tomorrow along with the sweater. I’m thinking I’ll make a few more of these, I sketched a bunch of different ones, and he came out just like the sketch I chose. I love it when that happens. He’s made of wool felt and a little embroidery floss and a couple buttons. Simple and fun to make!

I also finished my last kitchen curtain:


The one on the right is the one I finished Saturday, the one on the left was finished some time last year. I procrasitinate occasionally. It’s so good to have the hideous mini-blinds out of there, real curtains make such a difference. And these were the bargain of the year, since I got the floral fabric from the remnent pile at Calico Corners. Original price? $49.95/yard! My price? 75% off! ($12.50 for the math-impaired). It’s a linen/cotten blend. I love me some linen.

I also scrubbed the kitchen clean, saw “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkeban” and knitted more of the boring blanket (I’m about to start on skein 5 of 6! Hallelujah, the end is in sight).

I did not, however, get my giant pile of laundry folded. It wasn’t my fault, however, as Gigi, the cross-eyed kitty was guarding it for most of the weekend (here she’s on top of the boring blanket as well):


And lastly, I spent a some time outside, puttering in my little garden:


The man is in charge of most of the yard, but I have my little corner and my big pots of herbs. Bear likes to stand right next to us when we work in the yard. Even when it’s 90 degrees out, I have warm dog leaning in to me at all times.


  1. I will never buy curtains/roman shades again. I love to make them with just the right fabric for my house and style. Very cute yours are!

  2. I’m sorry my blanket is so boring to work on. Happy to hear it is finished and I’ll have something to snuggle up to someday when it makes its way further North.

  3. Oops. Saw The Notebook last weekend….it is a must see. Only cried a little. Brought back memories of my own mother….I’m sure you’ll appreicate the story of the older couple!

  4. I love the curtains AND Mort! He is just the cutest! (I also need to pick up that Country Color book since I’m moving to a “country type” home in a couple of weeks and it’s in need of interior painting in a big way.) So this was a fun and productive blog visit. Thanks, Lucy!

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