Languishing Blog

Posted by on October 26, 2004 in other things, Uncategorized | 1 comment

I have just been letting my blog languish here. Bad blogger!

Well, I’ll just catch up a little right now, and then stop with my lazy self and start updating more regularly.
First of all, check out all the loot my secret pal sent me:
There was lots of great stuff in the box, each item wrapped in tissue paper. It was as fun as Christmas morning, unwrapping each little treat. My favorite thing was the skein of Cherry Hill Sock yarn (and size 2 dpns!). As you can see, I started immediately on a sock. I was a little scared, since my last pair of socks were made with Jaeger Baby Merino and size 6 needles, but so far so good, I’m not having too much trouble with the tiny needles. Oh, and the cats love the little knitted mouse!

I also took a little road trip with the girls to see Cary play in Los Angeles. We went all the way up there on a school night! That’s right, we’re wild and crazy! I didn’t get home until 1:30. I’m so not 25 anymore. It was one of the best shows I’ve seen, though, so it was worth it. Some pictures of the fun:
I gave him the fish hat. It looks pretty good on his goofy head.

1 Comment

  1. SHE LIVES!!! LOL.
    Your last package should get to you by the weekend…the big reveal is near!!!!
    ps – the sock is lookin’ good! Is it self-striping? It’d be cool to see a closer look!

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