Insert Clever Title Here

Posted by on May 4, 2005 in other things, Uncategorized | 0 comments

I did a little housekeeping of the sidebars, in case you didn’t notice. Books and music are updated and buttons added for a couple of fun things I am participating in this month. So there you go.

For those of you in the Los Angeles area, the next two weekends are your big chances to see Cary perform live and in concert! This Sunday night (May 8) at the Troubedour, and next Saturday (May 14) at the Hotel Cafe. The Sunday show is with several other great artists and benefits Oxfam’s Tsunami relief, so you can catch a good show and do something nice for others all at once! I’ll probably be at the Saturday show, Sunday is a school night and I’m too old to stay up that late. You can get more info here. As an unofficial street team member, I have music I can share, so if you’d like, I’d be glad to send a cd with a couple of songs. Just leave a comment or send an email! I know he’s my little brother and all, but his music is really good. All the people I have forced to listen to it have ended up becoming big fans.

say something nice...