
Posted by on October 23, 2008 in other things | 9 comments

I was goofing around this morning and tried to take some self-portraits. Apparently the sight of myself in the mirror results in uncontrollable trembling.


I curled my hair for fun and wanted there to be a record of this rare occurrence.


  1. Love the self portrait. Wish you were here to teach technical writing to my 60 students!

  2. I never have any luck with self-portraits, but your’s is adorable!!

  3. You look beautiful. The colors in the picture are beautiful as well.

  4. I really like your hair curled- looks totally different. I always want short hair, but it looks scarey on me- well, I look like a boy. My husband even told me that when I tried to give myself one time- I ended up having to cut all my hair really short. Anyway, cute!

  5. You look beautiful.

  6. Your hair looks beautiful!

  7. looks really pretty like that.

  8. My goodness, you are so pretty. Stop the tremblin’! 🙂

  9. Love it, came out very nice. I use to have a hair color like that, well I wanted my hair color like that, except it came out too brassy.

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