Fabric Collage

Posted by on April 8, 2005 in stitch | 1 comment

I’ve been wanting to make some art for our walls for a long time. I was thinking that it would be fun to make some yo-yo’s the other day, and then I thought that they would be cute as little flowers in a tiny wall quilt. So I decided to take a break from the great decluttering project and make a new mess and do some sewing:


I also took a trip to the Japanese market, which has a pretty good sized bookstore and found a few fun craft books, the one on the lower right is called "Flower accessory" and has some really great, imaginative fabric flowers-perfect for gifts, I think. I also got one on teddy bears and another about felting. They are really well illustrated, so I don’t think it will be hard to follow the instructions.

1 Comment

  1. So many fabulous things to take in this morning…I’m overwhelmed!
    Thanks so much for passing on the fairy festival/sweet pea day link it’s wonderful, I’m checking my calendar later to see if I can squeeze either of those events in…it’s high time we took a drive down to San Diego anyway it’s so lovely & lush there.
    This fabric piece your working on is wonderful, I guess your spring cleaning did great things for your crafty feng shui after all!
    I love the colors of the shots you took in Hollywood…the blur of Jessica…and all the stories that are behind them. (Your brother’s journal is a total crack-up too. I was wondering about the whole “Liger” thing, I’m glad he cleared that one up for me, with all of his infinite wisdom…and his jedi dream is priceless.)
    & happy belated birthday!

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