craft night

Posted by on November 17, 2009 in craft | 5 comments

I really needed to do something creative that didn't involve a computer. Also, I'm dead tired, so it couldn't be too hard or take too long. So I did the quickest craft ever. I turned my grandmother's charm bracelet that I inherited, into a necklace. The pretty silver, wood-grained ribbon is from Martha Stewart's line at Michael's. I cut two pieces, looped them through the clasps on either end, and trimmed the ends. I'll just tie a square knot in the back to wear it!


I've always loved this charm bracelet, it's absolutely packed with charms. There are silhouettes of her children, and a few of grandchildren, but then she switched to a gold charm bracelet for that. With seven children and 25 grandchildren, she had enough for a pretty full bracelet of just the silhouettes. It just barely fits my wrist, but it's too jangle-y and heavy for working at a computer all day, so I've rarely worn it. This way I can wear it more often. I think the squirrel and the spinning wheel are my favorite charms.


Now I'm going to knit. I'm thinking of living on the edge and casting on for a hat. The pattern calls for 120 yards of yarn, but I have a skein that says it's 95 meters. that's a difference of just over 16 yards. Should I risk it? 


  1. What a fantastic idea! I too inherited my grandmother’s charm bracelet but never wear it because it gets in the way/is too noisy to be practical on the wrist. I am going to take your inspiration, turn it into a necklace, and wear it to Thanksgiving dinner. My aunts will be thirlled!
    P.S. My grandmother’s bracelet has a spinning wheel charm too. So random and fabulous… I love it!

  2. They are beautiful charms. That is a great idea.
    I can’t give any advice about knitting. I have tried to knit two things this year, and both have been abject failures.

  3. Great idea! I have a charm bracelet I bought a million years ago that I rarely wear for the same reasons…I smell a necklace in my future.

  4. That is so awesome. What a wonderful heirloom. I have a charm bracelet my mom bought for me when I was little, and you are right, they can be cumbersome to wear. What a great idea to turn it into a necklace! I might have to do that…

  5. This is fantastic…a squirrel AND a spinning wheel?!? No wonder I like you.

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