birthday week, day three and a few questions, answered
How come I didn't know about this Shannon Lamden fabric? I'm so glad I asked about fabric, I'm getting some good links, thanks you guys!
This picture has nothing to do with anything, I took it several years ago with my old point & shoot Olympus, but I still like it. Actually, it does have something to do with today's post, since these are Spring flowers (see the first question below).
Now seems like as good a time as any to do a little meme that I was tagged with recently. Both Robin (check out her terrific terrarium, and read about how resourceful she was finding the plants for it. I love that she has a little terrarium resident, too!) and Alice (look at her beautiful photos! I'm a little envious that she gets to live in Oxford. I spent a rainy Fall day there once and loved it so much) tagged me, and these are some fun questions, so here you go:
1. Cut and paste the questions into a new blog post and respond to the questions.
Replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention
– and say which one you added.
3. Tag other untagged folks.
What is your current obsession?
Spring flowers. There are wildflowers blooming along the freeway as I drive to work, and of course you know all about the daffodils and grape hyacinth. I also have birthday flowers all over my desk. There are a big bunch of baby pink and white roses (courtesy of Mr. HeyLucy), sunflowers from a friend, my annual Lily-of-the-Valley from Trader Joe's, and a bunch of blooming forsythia branches I bought last week.
What are you wearing right now?
black & cream striped jeans, long sleeved pink t-shirt, 3/4 sleeve black sweater, black ballet flats, new earrings that I won from Pamela Susan (more on those later)!
Who was the last person you hugged?
It was either Mr. HeyLucy or Winston. I guess Winston is not exactly a human, but they both get hugs every day.
If you were a tree, what tree would you be?
A cherry tree. or maybe a fig tree.
What’s for dinner?
Mr. HeyLucy put a giant pot roast in the crock pot this morning, so I guess that's what we'll be eating.
What was the last thing you bought?
Jamie at Home
(I had a birthday gift card for Barnes & Noble)
What are you listening to right now?
My Pandora station is playing Rocco Deluca & The Burden. I do not know them, I haven't decided to give them a thumbs up or thumbs down.
What is your favourite weather?
Sunny and 70 degrees, although I do appreciate a nice rainy day. I hate windy days, they make me cranky
What’s on your beside table?
Lamp, an orchid, photo booth picture of my grandmother, a bird-shaped dish holding earrings and stitch markers, a pretty handkerchief, a vase full of daffodils and a tiny box with some new earrings and dust.
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
A little village in England. It would have to have a thatched roof. I hope the locals wouldn't mind me moving in.
What would you like to get rid of?
30 lbs around my middle
Favourite vacation spot?
All my vacations are usually spent visiting family. I would love to go back to Italy someday
Name the things you can’t live without.
My laptop, sewing machine and knitting needles. And also Mr. HeyLucy and all the animals, of course.
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
A big stack of money would be nice, but if that's a little much to ask, then I would be happy with my knitting needles
What is your favourite tea flavour?
Peppermint, but I'm also loving Yogi Tea's Classic India Spice right now too.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
I would probably want to visit my parents in China, to see how they're doing and meet some of their students.
What is your favourite snack?
Chips and Salsa, no question, unless I want something sweet, then it's definitely cookies and milk.
I'm going to add this question for today's giveaway:
What is your favorite, can't-do-without beauty product?
I'm not a big 'product' girl, but I love my MAC Sequin Lipstick. I've been wearing it for at least 12 years. I experiment with other colors, and I have a nice pink right now, called Hot Gossip, but I always go back to my Sequin. It's neutral but with a little sparkle, and it blends with whatever else I'm wearing. I also love the lack of scent in MAC products. I like wearing perfume and certain smelly lotions, but I'm very particular about the scents, and I hate make up that smells. Here's a swatch from the MAC site, which is looking a little pinker than it really is on my monitor, it's definitely got a bit of a brownish undertone:

So that's today's giveaway, your very own tube of Sequin Lipstick, it's one of my favorite things! Just share your favorite beauty product in the comments, it's always good to get opinions on these things. Oh, and I'm terrible about tagging people, so the first three commentors with blogs, consider yourself tagged!
My beauty must have is also from MAC – studio moisture cream. Before the helpful guy at MAC pointed me in the right direction my nose and chin used to shrivel up and threaten to fall off every winter because they got so dry and flaky!
Lovely spring flower picture. I’m a little obsessed with them myself these days.
I love my Jafra moisture cream and liquid cosmetics. I’ve used them since before you were born!!!!!
Wish you would come to China, that would make everything PERFECT!
I’m honestly kind of a brand hopper, but the things I come back to time and time again are the St. Ives Apricot Scrub and Cetaphil lotion. My face is ridiculously dry, so I scrub off all the dead flakies and use the Cetaphil after every shower. It is my favorite.
This giveaway excites me, because I have been searching for a perfect shade of lipstick, and this looks like it would actually look good on me. Nice and subtle.
Happy belated birthday! Hope your day was good.
That is a gorgeous spring flower picture and I’m with you about windy days…we are having a very windy day today–it’s nice to have your hair whipped around with a poof of shavings from the henhouse first thing in the morning!
It so sad to say that my new favorite beauty product is from Laura Gellar and it is called “Spackle”. How did this happen? I have now reached an age where my beauty products are named after home repair products…bad sign! I want to go back to the days of Bonne Bell and Love’s Baby Soft!
thanks so much for answering all the Qs. I know, sometimes it’s like, um, really? that many questions? so thank you! I loved your answers – your outfit, your bedside table contents, the new earrings! (love them, have to check out the site you got them from!). And my fave beauty item right now is: Origins, A Perfect World facial cleanser. It smells like an orange creamsicle (sp?). And, Origins, Modern Friction is a great accompaniment to it – it’s a scrub. Thanks again for playing! Have a great day… :o) –Robin
Fun meme! And fun give-away! My favorite lip product from Stila is apparently discontinued and I’m so bummed…so I’m looking for something new!
My favorite, non-discontinued beauty product is my EarthScience Almond-Aloe Moisturizer with SPF 15+. It’s so light and has a barely-there, clean scent. I wear it every day without fail. And that reminds me…I’m almost out. Time for a Whole Foods trip…
Fun! I think my fav product is Jonathan “Dirt” texturizing paste.
Can’t do my hair without it!!
Well, I love food, so I guess it makes sense that I love Be Fine Food Skin Care products. My favorites of the moment are the Gentle Cleanser with Sugar, Mint, Oats & Rice, the Warming Clay Mask with Cardamom, Arnica & Pomegranate and the Night Cream with Cocoa, Millet & Rice Bran They’re a little pricey, but they last a long time and work wonders, so I consider them worthwhile little indulgences =]
I love this post! Hands down I could not live without Benefit’s Lyin’ Eyes. It’s an under eye concealer, but it also covers blemishes and other wrong facial colors. Love it! What a fun week this is for all your readers!
What a fun post and giveaway! Too cool. That lipstick looks soo pretty. Okay, I’d have to say that one of my favorite beauty products is the “Opal” lip/cheek stain by Suki. You can use it in place of blush, and use it for lips, too! It’s completely organic and creates a look a perfect little glow on the cheekbones. 🙂
And I love the picture of the flowers. Absolutely gorgeous.
I *love* MAC clear lipglass lipgloss. It’s crazy sticky but make my lips look wicked yummy!
Thanks so much!
I’m very minimalist when it comes to beauty products. But when I want to get fancy, I wear Loreal lipstick and/or nail polish in Target Red – from, of course, Target. I find it to be the perfect festive red!
Very much enjoy question answering posts. I like Mac lipstick for the same reason. I usually wear reds but I got a lovely pink from them a couple of years ago and then lost it! So sad.
I have an idea for your next vacation: Italy with family. 🙂
I love your posts! My favorite lip product is Bare Escentuals Buxom lip gloss. They are in awesome colors and I have an embarrassing number of them… 🙂
Whoever said Spackle should win. I need spackle every day.
It’s nice to catch up.
HI! I love reading your blog and your Q & A is so interesting!! It reminds me of visiting a good friend’s home. It’s always fun to see the latest table scape, or what’s cooking in the kitchen…or blooming in the garden.
My “can’t live without” is Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer. I’ve been using it for a long time. At a “certain age” you need to make sure makeup doesn’t sink into and accentuate WRINKLES! There, I”ve said it! This stuff is used instead of liquid make up. I still use a light moisturizer underneath.
I know I’ve missed the drawing and that’s ok. I really enjoy reading everyone’s beauty faves. I’ve never heard of spackle, but I probably need it.