and the winner is…

Posted by on March 13, 2007 in other things | 2 comments

Yay for Cindy! She answered all the very difficult quiz questions correctly, and her name was randomly drawn from the other quiz answerers for the very special grand prize :o)

Thank so much to everyone who commented and entered. This was fun, and I may have to do it again sometime, maybe to continue my birthday celebration. The three runner-up prize winners (also randomly drawn from all commenters) are:

Monica (you weren’t cheating at all, silly!)
k a t
PastPresent Collection (Heather)

I am trying to be organized today and get everything all packed up pretty and sent out tomorrow. I’ll send you each an e-mail so you can just reply with your address.


  1. All I can say is “Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” I can not wait for my special package to arrive via snail mail! I can’t even remember the last time I won anything! Sure wish I could remember how I found you, Marne! I know it was on account of the chickens, but that’s all I remember! Speaking of the little mongrels, I cleaned out the hen house today after weeks of just adding straw and pine shavings! For heavens sake, they make a mess! But this will do for now, until we have a string of nice weather where I can actually hose it down and scrub it out. All in all, I’d get them again in a heartbeat!

  2. Just a quick visit to thankyou for your kindness.

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