two quilts in one month

Posted by on March 31, 2008 in stitch | 4 comments


I did it. I’m kind of tired, but the two quilts are done and on their way to the publisher. Thanks mom for quilting the one with the crosses! I put the last stitch in the binding last night around midnight. But now I get to enjoy my day today, which is great, since it’s My Birthday! I’m off to have a big messy hamburger and fries for lunch, because you can’t eat healthy every day.

Winston was pouting this morning because I was taking pictures instead of paying attention to him.

He’s a little smartypants, though. We’ve been training almost every day, and he’s very good at sitting. Down is a little harder, and stay is the hardest of all. He’s starting to understand ‘Shake’, and will give me his paw about half the time when I tell him to shake. I got a book of dog tricks, so we’re going to work on learning lots of fun tricks.


  1. Happy Birthday and congratulations on completing two quilts in a month!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And from what I can see, the quilts look gorgeous! Enjoy the burger and fries!!

  3. Happy Birthday! You’re still going to train your cats, too, right?

  4. Happy Birthday! Congrats on the quilts, and smooches to Winston!

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