the winners

Posted by on April 14, 2009 in other things | 3 comments

Oops, sorry to disappear before announcing the winners of birthday week, I had one long weekend, and not in the fun, "Oh Boy I have a nice long weekend to enjoy" sort of way. If I told you all about it I would just sound like a whiny baby, so I won't say anything other that taxes were done and seven hours were spent in a car to visit a mother-in-law. And I'm all tired out from it still.

On to the fun stuff! You are going to have to trust me when I say that I randomly drew names for each of the birthday week giveaways, there was absolutely no peeking! And here are the results (I've already sent e-mails to get your addresses):

Cary Judd Autographed CD-Sarah!
Shot Cotton Scarf-Cara!
MAC Sequin Lipstick-Megan!
Orange T-Shirt-Marcella!
Notebooks-Melissa! (who will soon have a blog, right?)
Terrarium Kit-Amy!

That was so much fun, and I wish I could send everyone a present. Thanks so much for humoring me and playing along. I hope you read all the comments too, there were some delicious breakfast ideas and great beauty recommendations. I'm still shoe shopping (well, not so much STILL, more like haven't had time), and I will be trying out some new weekend breakfasts.


It wasn't all doom and gloom around here, after all, the taxes are DONE and the seven hours in a car with Mr. HeyLucy was full of nice conversation and garden planning. We also discovered that we share the same disdain for people who leave messes in public bathrooms. After eleven years it's nice to know there are still things to learn about each other. I also inherited my father-in-law's mandolin and I am going to learn to play it, because what's one more hobby, really? Besides, I need to contribute more than strumming a g-chord on the guitar (that's the only one I can play) to the family jam sessions when we all get together.



  1. Thank you for letting me be a winner! haha! I am working on the blog- the computer bit was making the delay for me- well, that and getting a good photo for the banner. It has been a learning experience for me- the computer is so not my friend. I love those long car trips they turn up the most unusual conversations. I’m with you both on the messy bathrooms! I pick up after myself, why can’t others? The people that really bother me are the ones that can’t even flush the toilet- what is that about? Grose! haha!

  2. Did I miss your birthday? I’m sorry, belated Birthday greetings.

  3. I’m a horrible friend. I got your package weeks ago and never wrote to tell you that I received it and how much I love it!! The scarf is so cute! I can’t wait to wear it someday when the weather finally cools down again. It will cool down again someday, right???
    And THANK YOU for the extra goodies. I was so excited when I opened the package. You are the best!!!

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