portrait photography

Posted by on April 26, 2009 in other things | 11 comments

Some weekend photos:


The chicks are five or six days old. They're doing fine, but the dogs are about to come undone, especially Bear who sniffs them worriedly and yet can't stop drooling.


One of the Maggies. I think I will print and frame this one for her namesake.


This was the view to the left as I was trying to take photos of the chicks.


  1. All three photos, cute!

  2. Oh the cuteness! It hurts! Especially the pup and the honey colored chick.

  3. Thank you for the beautifully wrapped parcel that arrived this morning.
    I love the cushion cover, and will have to go shopping to buy a infill soon… in fact, it has prompted me to have a whole cushion revamp for our “TV” lounge.
    And thanks for the CD. The cover is brilliant. I have yet to listen to it all.

  4. I love that middle one…it’s so adorable, and will make a great print….

  5. Oh I think I am in love…those are the sweetest creatures ever! I so wanted to have chickens this year…my husband did not think our 4 year old chocolate lab, Murphy would handle them well. I will be living out my chick dreams through your blog! Lucky Lucy!

  6. Those are the sweetest pictures! I have the dog love taken care of (4), now I want some of those cute chicks. I wonder of I could hide them from our HOA? Keep them directly behind the house (we have a little over an acre- why can’t we have chickens?)…… 🙂

  7. Adorable! You take such wonderful pictures. Chickens, chickens, chickens…I so badly want chickens! Have a great day!

  8. Alissa,
    When we got our first chicks nearly three years ago, I was really worried
    about our Golden Retriever, Bear. The very first time he saw them he was
    licking his chops :o) Once the chicks were old enough to put in the coop I
    figured they would have to spend their time between the coop and a little
    pen we had behind it so he wouldn’t be tempted to eat them. I don’t remember
    how it happened, but the coop door was left open one day when I went to work
    and when I got home I had a very worried looking Bear pacing between me and
    the coop door. It was dusk, so the chickens, after having spent some time
    free-ranging around the yard, no doubt, were all piled up in the doorway.
    They were all just fine. I think he was watching out for them.
    I asked my aunt (my chicken mentor!) and she said even though he’s a bird
    dog, he knew the little chickens belonged to us, and rather than eating
    them, he knew I cared for them and they were part of the family. Of course
    there’s no guarantee, but it’s definitely proof that dogs and chickens can
    live together peacefully :o) Nowadays the chickens have free range, and they
    have no fear whatsoever of the dogs, and the only time Bear has ever
    bothered the chickens is when they get too close and steal his food. He
    pinned one down and gave it a good growl. That chicken stayed far away from
    him after that.

  9. Our rural dreams involve chickens. Three acres, chickens, a clothesline, and homemade bread. You (and abovementioned chicken mentor) are my inspiration! So cute!

  10. You are so lucky to live so close to the chicken mentor :o) We don’t even
    have a whole acre, but I do have a clothesline and I love it so much. One
    day I just might learn to bake bread. I was actually craving that grape
    juice the other day, that you gave us at Christmas. I almost never drink
    juice, but I wanted some so much I started looking for one of those steam
    juicer things and trying to figure out when grapes are in season and where
    to get them.

  11. If you plan on visiting up here anytime soon, you should shoot for August or September. I don’t know if that corresponds with all the fun hoo-ha going on with your family lately, but if you made it up here around that time, we could do juice together, and peaches, and eat watermelon and tomatoes…actually, why don’t we just plan on you moving up here? Okay…done.

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