Lush Green Weeds

Posted by on April 18, 2005 in other things, Uncategorized | 2 comments

The lilacs are blooming! I cut a big bouquet every few days, and the whole house smells delicious. If you look closely, in the lower left corner, you can see all the lovely weeds we have growing.


I try and pull a big bucketful every weekend, but you can hardly tell. I had to clear some away from around the first lily of the valley to poke its head up so far this spring.

I worked a bit on my fabric collage this weekend, I hope to finish it up this week and post a picture soon! My fingers are sore, but I like how it is coming out.


  1. I love lilacs! they are my most favorite flower,and then roses.I can’t wait until they bloom here

  2. Hey Lucy!!! =)
    You should come out here and see all the wildflowers and butterflies we have up here in the desert! We have purple and yellow daisy-looking flowers, along with the usual poppies. It’s unbelievably beautiful! AND I don’t even like the desert! But we’ve been here since 1992 and the furthest away we plan to move is only about 5 miles to the south west in Acton…
    I have pictures on my Yahoo Group but you have to join it to see them… šŸ˜‰
    Looking forward to talking with you soon! When I see your pictures and read your posts I miss you so much it aches!!!!
    You bring so much beauty to the world!
    Take care!

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