music and meaning

Posted by on December 16, 2008 in other things | 25 comments


It's a Christmas Miracle! Well, maybe that's a little dramatic, but still, it looks like I'll actually manage to send out Christmas cards this year. This is quite an accomplishment for me. I always start December with the best intentions and plans for handmade, spectacular cards with long, personalized letters for each recipient. And then reality sets in, and not only do no cards get made or letters written, I can't even manage to send out boxed cards with just a signature. So this time I decided to try something a little different. I've been enjoying Christmas music so much this year that I made a nifty mix CD, and that's what I'm sending. Of course I had to make special, festive envelopes, but there won't be any long letters, just a signed CD that I hope will be enjoyed by those who receive them, as much as I have enjoyed listening to lots of great Christmas music while making them.

I want to share the music with all you lovely blog visitors too! I've got a dozen or so extra CDs to share, so the first twelve comments will get one. If there are more people interested, I'll probably be able to draw a few names from the additional commenters to receive CDs too. There some traditional Christmas songs, some original songs, some Winter songs, and maybe some irreverent songs, the common thread is that they are all songs I just love, and they are Christmas-y.

This is one of my favorite hymns from my favorite Christmas album right now:

Excuse the slightly cheesy video. And I know it's not really a Christmas song, but the message still fits the season.

But wait! There's more! Not a lot more, just a little thing. I made a Pandora Christmas radio station, based on some of my current favorites included on the CD, so if you'd like a little taste, click the Christmas link under HeyLucy radio to the left, and listen right now on your computer! Nifty, isn't it?

Here's a new game we've been playing at our house lately. It's called 'Where's Lucy?' If we make it until January without the tree falling over it will be another Christmas Miracle!



  1. I totally want one of your CDs, although I’m a pretty new reader of your blog – I’ve really enjoyed going back and reading what you’ve been up to, and your pictures are links are wonderful! email me for my address if I make the cut!

  2. Oh yes please! I’d love one.

  3. What a generous thing to do! I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now, and I really like it 🙂 A CD would be awesome!

  4. That would be awesome! I have been reading your blog for awhile too, thanks for the inspiration!

  5. OOH! Christmas music! That’s a great idea for “cards”! Especially since you have extra to go around. Thanks!

  6. YES!! I made it in!! I would so love one of your CDs…unless the song “Last Christmas” by WHAM! is on it. Am I the only one that doesn’t think that’s an actual Christmas song? Is that snooty of me? Did I just make you not want to send me a CD because of it?? Then I take it all back! 🙂

  7. This is an awesome idea! Hey Lucy, what would you like for Christmas?

  8. Well, I’m #8!! But you don’t have to send me a CD. The postage will break the bank and I can listen to it on my computer. I’ll miss being with you this Christmas, but I’m glad you are going home to be with your brothers and sister!! Love you all

  9. That is such a great idea to do a Christmas CD!

  10. That’s such a great idea! I’d love one!

  11. Is that your CAT in your Christmas tree???

  12. I would LOVE to have a CD. I dig your taste, so I’m excited to see what you have to share. Congrats on sending SOMETHING out…I have yet to start this year. Happy Christmas!

  13. dammit! unlucky number 13! Can I bribe you with shoes?
    Arrrghhhhh. Trade for Christmas tunes?

  14. Hey, I’ll take WHAM! Give me Old Dotty or Empty Nest! (seriously, am I trying too hard here!)
    Post pictures of YOUR christmas shoes young lady!
    Got the hair cut again tonight. Starting to look a little too much like Sharon Osbourne!

  15. That’s so nice of you to do that – what a great idea instead of the usual Christmas card. I would love to have a copy – please enter me in your draw. Cheers!

  16. Darn! Too late! But that is a great idea! I wonder if my very late ones I am sending out in January would still play a Christmas Music CD…probably not! 🙂

  17. I cracked up looking at your cat! I can’t believe she climbs in your tree like that and it hasn’t smashed to the ground. Too funny! Ok, I would have loved one of your cd’s, but I am late blogging on this week- bummer! Have to go back and check out you pirate radio! haha! Happy Christmas!

  18. Bummer! I missed the 12…
    Love the You Tube clip.

  19. I asked for that album last Christmas. Even sent out links to people where they could purchase it online (you know, making it easy for them), but no!! Not one single person took the hint!!
    I love Sufjan’s music.

  20. Why don’t I have friends who make me a cd of Christmas music instead of sending those holiday newsletters? Have a Merry Christmas!

  21. Why have I not heard of Pandora radio before? How cool is that?!

  22. Have a Merry Christmas!
    BTW, I’m having a 200th post giveaway! Come visit!

  23. What a great idea. I’m ashamed to say that my Christmas cards for the English lot are arriving late this year. I need them to bump Thanksgiving up to earlier in the year. Christmas keeps creeping up way too fast…

  24. This is such a great idea. I hope it worked out well for you last year. This is what I’m trying to do this year for my Christmas card (since with the internet, everyone who cares already knows what I’m doing!)
    Any helpful hints since you’ve got the experience under your belt?

  25. It worked out really great! I had so much fun designing the CD envelopes and mailing envelopes, and choosing the songs for the cd's. 
    This year I'm making something else, which I think will be cute. The recipients all seemed to like their CDs too!
    The only advice I can give you is to gather all your materials together, and do everything assembly-line style, and tackle one task at a time. 
    I think I burned CDs one night, cut cd labels one night, made cd labels and assembled them the next night. With just an hour or two, here and there, it went very smoothly. And you van do it all while watching Christmas movies 🙂

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