FO’s and nearly FO’s

Posted by on May 10, 2004 in other things, Uncategorized | 5 comments

Here are the pieces for the Chinese Charm Bag from Stitch n’ Bitch:


And here they are all put together and finished (the flower was an afterthought, it need some zing and a big silk peony was just the thing).


And a look at the inside (I ended up using a different fabric for the top bit, I didn’t have quite enough of the pink big floral print):


Mother’s Day sort of snuck up on me, so I picked up a few skeins of Lion Brand Homespun to make a throw blanket for my mom (luckily, unfinished gifts are acceptable in our family, and I really will finish this quickly, it’s just mindless knitting-perfect for TV watching):


It’s plain, but soft and warm. I made one for myself last fall and one for my MIL for Christmas. Cats love them too. I had to knit a little cat blanket with a bit of leftover yarn so I could actually use my own blanket. The cats kept pulling it down from the back of the chair and curling up on it. They think everything belongs to them. Our queen-sized bed? Why no, that’s just a giant cat bed and if you’re really nice perhaps they’ll let you have a little corner.

The nephew sweater, 2nd edition, is coming along nicely. I only have one more sleeve to knit and then I just have to put it all together. I rock! The next picture you see of it will be that of a completed sweater (my second sweater ever!).


  1. Beautiful bag. I love the flower and the colour. Where did you get the bamboo handles from?

  2. I love the bag! The colors and fabrics AND the peony are perfect!*:) Good job,Lucy!

  3. Thanks! I got the handles at Jo-Ann’s fabrics. They were only $5 for the pair. They’ve got a whole bunch of styles, so I’m pretty sure this isn’t the last bag I’ll be making :o)

  4. Such a cute bag!

  5. Love the bag! Now that’s a must for summer. Off to JoAnn’s! Thanks for the tip. Hope they have the handles at our local shop.

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