help please

Posted by on August 25, 2006 in other things | 6 comments

I really hate asking for help, but I’m desperate. What is the great tragedy, you may be asking yourself? I have over 4 years of back issues of Marie Claire Idées magazine. I’ve been faithfully going to the bookstore at the start of each season and getting the new issue. But suddenly there are no more copies to be found at any of the five very large bookstores I have been visiting over the last month or so. I have been stalking the magazine stands, and I never saw the summer 2006 issue. Is there anyone out there that would be willing to check their local B&N or Border’s? I would gladly pay large sums of money and/or swap a pirate’s booty worth of loot for it. Plus, you would have my undying gratitude. I mean, four years! How can I live if my collection is missing an issue? How I ask?

Sigh. I guess I’ll have to finally go subscribe.


  1. I’ve been searching EVERYWHERE here looking for ANY copy of it! Can’t find it! Sorry!

  2. Oooh! I think I can help! I just picked up this issue at my B&N…do you want me to check for another copy? I’d gladly pick it up for you this weekend.
    Lemme know 🙂

  3. There might still be a copy at my local magazine shop – let me know if you’d like me to see iff they have any copies left…

  4. I’ve got your copy 🙂 It’ll be in Monday morning’s mail. Let me know when you receive it!

  5. hi, i have a copy i will sell to anyone interested.

  6. I had the same problem, so I finally broke down a subscribed. I was just at B & N today and did not see one. Hopefully someone can find one for you. I am just counting the days until the next one, I think October 21st.

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