gone, baby gone

Posted by on July 4, 2008 in stitch | 17 comments

Recently, I was feeling a little vain and brave, so I added this photo to my flickr stream:

Hi, it’s me :o)
Then, this week I got tired of all that hair every time I went swimming, and did this:

Ahh, much better. I’ll miss the long hair, but it grows fast, and this is so much nicer for the summer.

I also added more to my t-shirt and wore it yesterday:

So that’s a lot of pictures of me. Sorry about that :o)


  1. Oh! it is so nice to see the person behind the blog 🙂 Great haircut!

  2. Do you know, I always imagined you had dark hair. Great to see you in person.
    The tshirt looks great. So does the hair.

  3. Love the new hair!!

  4. All I can say is, WOW. . . brings back memories of Amsterdam circa 1990!! Beautiful as always!

  5. The hair cut looks great – as does that t-shirt. I think it looks better than the $98 version.

  6. I love what you did with that shirt it is really beautiful. I love anthropologie but I hate their prices. Thanks for sharing such a lovely project.

  7. Is that Petey in the background being a statue?
    I marvel at your creativity!
    Inspires me to stop thinking and put some action to the thoughts.
    The the money savings from your shirt, you can put it to other projects.
    Look forward to seeing your creativity at work.
    Long or short hair, you look great!

  8. your hair looks great!! I wish I was so brave. I am a chicken when it comes to my hair.

  9. Love the hair cut. Now I wanna chop off mine, too. Your shirt turned out super cute, too. You should make one for each of your female siblings.

  10. Love the hair cut! You look younger and so cute! And the shirt is genius.

  11. Oh man, that T shirt turned out great and only for $20! XO, suzy

  12. Love the hair!! and love the shirt!

  13. Cute hair!! And your t-shirt is awesome!

  14. I would LOVE a little tutorial on making the anthro tee knock off!
    Pretty please?

  15. oh the t-shirt turned out beautifully. A simple idea and a great result. The haircut is great too, so much better to have shorter hair during the summer. Thanks for sharing. Susanne

  16. ohhh – nice to see you
    t x

  17. First time visiting your blog- love it! The shirt you made form Old Navy is realy cool- I love the color and it looks so much like the Anthro one. I am not the biggest sewer, but you hav emotivated me to try to make one similar. I feel sort a busty myself, so I am always a little leary of wearing things on my chest- you know? I just feel any embellishments in that area make me look well, bustier. But, you look nice in that shirt- so what the hey, I am going to give it a go. Thanks for putting together a fun blog to read. My husband is from San Diego, we have our house for sale in the Atlanta area and are thinking of moving back to CA (lived in OC before- not for me)- maybe San Diego this time- just can’t get into the houses so close together and I want chickens! Phew- long sentence- got carried away- haha!

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