fairy circles and terrarium injuries, or maybe I should be walking my dogs more regularly

Posted by on February 28, 2009 in craft | 19 comments

That's right, I am reporting the very first recorded terrarium-related injury. I headed out with the dogs this afternoon on a quest for moss. It's very hard to walk through our gate and down the street and leave the dogs behind, because the pitiful barks make the neighbors think we're dog abusers. So I hooked them up to the dual leash, and we set out. And we walked by the Next Door Neighbor's house, when their dog (the same dog that runs along the fence line in tandem with Winston every, single, day) started barking and my dogs freaked out, tangled themselves up and tripped me, even though I was, at that point, standing still. I'm still not sure how they did it. But because I know you all are as excited about terrariums as I am, I couldn't let a little bloody hand wound and a couple scraped knees stop me. Oh no, we got ourselves up and untangled, and continued on the Moss Quest. I just tried really hard not to bleed on it, the leash, or the dogs.

Oh, but I have to back up a little bit. Last night I went searching for some cute mushrooms, also for the terrarium, and I couldn't find anything. So in desperation, I picked up some red and some white polymer clay, despite the fact that I've never used the stuff before, and have never considered sculpting anything in my life, least of all tiny mushrooms. I had to have some mushrooms, you see. A plain moss terrarium  just would not do.


Here they are in progress. Those are their spots, waiting to be added. This picture kind of makes me laugh. I figured I'd just use up all the clay and make as many mushrooms as I could, while I was at it. The clay was easy to work with. I'd say the hardest thing about the whole project was the fact that the red smudges really badly, so that was kind of a pain. I had to scrub really hard to get it all off my hands, and you can't even think about touching the white unless your hands are perfectly clean. If there's any interest, I could maybe, one day, post a little mushroom making tutorial. It usually takes me a long time to get around to these things, so don't get too excited.

I'm quite pleased with how they came out. I'm almost tempted to just leave this little fairy ring in my studio forever.


Obviously, I can't put all of them in my terrarium, so I'm going to list a couple sets of three in my shop, and I'm going to give away a set of three right now! Surprise! Well, not right this minute, but just leave a comment if you want to make a terrarium and need a set of mushrooms. I'll leave the comments open this week, until Friday or so, and then choose a winner next weekend.

And now, for the big reveal:


I'll keep you updated on its survival. I hope it does okay. Mr. HeyLucy was concerned that it might start to smell. I have to say, that thought never crossed my mind, so I will report on that as well.

And here is a hopefully sympathy-inducing shot of part of my injury (small, so you don't get too grossed out):

You can click to see it bigger, if you're into that kind of thing. The saddest part about my injuries? I actually fell off my back step a few weeks ago, and scraped up my hands and knees in the same places, and it was FINALLY nearly healed. I can't blame the dogs for that one, however. I'm not very coordinated, I think my center of gravity is all wacky because I'm tall.


  1. Ouch – that looks painful!! That terrariam looks like a cute project. I’ve always wanted to try working with that clay but just never did so a future tutorial would be fun. I really like all your little white creamers/pitchers with cute little yarn balls!

  2. Thanks for making your bloody picture small. šŸ™‚ The mushrooms reminded me of my brother Dan who died in Feb. two years ago of cancer. He was Aries and always doing crafty stuff. He built a full size doll house on his property, God bless him. He was the oldest and very blond, and he was way too creative. Funny how something like red mushrooms with white dots can take you back.

  3. Ooh! I would love to win a mushroom! I wanted to make a terrarium last year but couldn’t find anything locally – tiny plants or moss, or little tiny figurines/mushrooms. It was frustrating!! And it never even dawned on me to try and make my own…yours are very cute!
    I don’t think your terrarium would smell unless you kept overwatering it.

  4. Oh i LOVE those little mushrooms! they’re precious!

  5. Ouch! That looks like it’s painful. But on a bright note-you are a polymer genius! Those mushrooms are adorable.
    I received my package-and I am happy to report your numchuk needle is on it’s way to you. My needlecase and pin cushion are FANTASTIC! Happy weekend to you.

  6. I don’t think those mushrooms could be any cuter. They make me want to watch reruns of Smurfs.
    It looks like your terrarium is air tight. I don’t get it. Doesn’t it need fresh air?
    Your next project should be making some cute designer band-aids since it looks like you could use them quite often. Hope you recover quickly.:-)

  7. Sorry about the injuries! Ouch! The moss was worth it though, right? šŸ™‚
    Okay, those little mushrooms are insanely cute. I need some. I’m planning on making a terrarium for William’s room and those mushrooms would match his decor perfectly.
    My dad used to make terrariums in things like blenders and computer monitors (they were awesome). They never smelled, so I think you’re good there.
    I wonder where I can find moss around here?

  8. That looks like it hurt! You cracked me up though with your determination to complete the quest! Haha! The mushrooms turned out so cute. I am in awe of your sculpey skills- really, I am bad with the stuff. I saw some cute mushrooms at Target and they have little stakes on the bottom to attach them to your pots soil. Little ones and taller ones, but each one is like 3.99. So, you were very smart to make your own. Why did I only think you had one dog? I only know of Winston, who is this other mystery dog? Oh, by the way, I am sewing! I am going to take photos, so I have something to start the blog with. There will probably be blood involved with my quest too- maybe a punctured finger from the machine. That actually creeps me out to think of it. Haha! The coordination thing attacks shorter people as well- just telling ya, I’m there with ya.

  9. Judy must win those mushrooms. Just read her comment. Wanted to also recommend a book to you. Carpool Confidential. Definitely a “I’m sick and can’t think much book”
    sorry about your boo boo. You look like you need a boo boo kiss bandaid (actually looks like a pair of lips, though doesn’t stick to hands too well, but my kids and preschoolers love them!)

  10. Thank you Nicole, I would love to win because I love to win, but no….Hey Lucy please give to another. I only said what I said because Hey Lucy looked as if she was channeling my bro. Seriously. Red mushrooms with white dots. And called it a Fairy Circle. Just like Mr. D.

  11. How cute! I think taking one to work is a great idea — I’m thinking of making one for my desk at work and for my fiance at his work — we’re both so ready for spring and beinging outisde, and I think this might be just the thing!
    And I would love to win those mushrooms! Who wouldn’t? They remind me of playing the original Mario Brothers with my brother as a kid — like they’re part of a whole new little world.
    Oh, and I hope your terrarium-battle wound has healed =]

  12. Oh my GOODNESS! They are so cute! I obviously saw your pics on flickr before reading this. I’m so, so inspired to make a terrarium! Maybe it’ll be my project for spring!!!
    I do hope you heal quickly….

  13. Cute mushrooms! Baby wipes will get that red (the polymer clay red, not the blood red) right off your hands.
    I really like the terrarium, also. I used to love making terrariums when I was a kid. I wonder what happened to them all?!

  14. I’ve also been wanting to make a terrarium and your mushrooms are so cute!

  15. I’ve also been wanting to make a terrarium and your mushrooms are so cute!

  16. *squeal* Seriously? Oh, I told you about my Mom’s old piggy bank…that doesn’t bounce. I NEED some of your mushrooms! (Wait…that just sounds strange…)
    (I’m SUPER behind in Blogger and hadn’t read this post when I wrote to you the other day!)

  17. After reading your terrarium post, I googled “terrarium” and found some more information on them – yes, you’ve inspired me again! I have the perfect cookie jar and the perfect place for one so I hope to get at it just as soon as it’s warm enough to transport plants without having them freeze en route. Your little mushrooms are adorable! I hope your hand and knees are feeling better – silly, excitable dogs (mine are like that too).
    Take care ā˜ŗ

  18. Good to know you weren’t seriously hurt! That fall may have been a small one. But one wrong move could result in more than just scraped knees! Anyway, the mushrooms look especially cute when viewed from above.

  19. Dogs are very unpredictable. Whew, good thing you are all good now. And I give credit to you for your mushrooms. They look great for something you did for the first time. Let’s hope your dogs won’t do that again.

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