enjoyable busy-ness

Posted by on November 13, 2006 in craft, stitch | 6 comments

I was watching Nigella last night. She is just the queen of adjectives, isn’t she? Anyway, while she was busily creating a quadruple chocolate cake (quadruple! not double or triple, she goes all out and does quadruple, which is really how much chocolate any good chocolate cake should have, now that I think about it), she said something about how she loved this sort of enjoyable busy-ness. I love that phrase. That’s how I spent my weekend, involved in all sorts of enjoyable busy-ness.

First of all, I wanted to try my hand at needle felting, so I made this little snowman:
I forgot to measure, but I think he’s about 5 inches high from the tip of his hat to the base of the flower pot he’s sitting in. He’ll be going into my etsy shop when it’s back up. They’ve been down all weekend, doing an upgrade.

Then I finished up the sock monkey that I’ve been working on for around 4 years. Well, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I have been doing a little bit here and a little bit there for a very long time. I finally got some decent pictures this time:
Monkeystand Monkeyfoot
Monkeydetail2 Monkey5
She will also be in the shop. Do you love her shoes? Because I really love her shoes. I don’t know that anyone will buy her, I put a lot of work into her, so she’s a bit expensive, but well worth it, if I do say so myself.

Also for the shop, I made some little bags:
Flowerbag Treebag
They’re sort of Japanese craft book-esque, aren’t they? They’re about 10"x12", so just perfect for a sock knitting project or a couple libray books, or maybe to carry your lunch to work.

I even made one thing not for the shop, that yellow pillow behind the sock monkey! Since I’m working on this apartment therapy project in my clubhouse I’m finding all sorts of cute stuff that I forgot I had, including a feather pillow form and two yellow linen placemats. I just stitched them together with turquoise-y floss et voila! A pillow!

Since there is no chicken content today, I will just point you over to the right hand sidebar where you will find links to some of my favorite fellow crazy chicken ladies chicken keepers.

Ooh, and I almost forgot! One of my brother‘s songs will be in an episode of Men in Trees, I believe around Thanksgiving. I’ve never watched that show before, but everyone set your Tivo’s, and I’ll be doing the same!

And, in case you missed any of the links above, my shop is here. :o)

P.S. I have 499 comments on my blog, who wants to be number 500?


  1. Oh my, that snowman is the CUTEST thing ever!!

  2. Such a delightful blog. I have so enhoyed my time here “with you”. I will be back soon. This snowman is so sweet. Your art gets my creative juices flowing….and I do not have as many of said juices as I would like! You are an inspiration.
    Best Regards,

  3. The snowman is just the cutest. Thanks for the tip on the link thing today on my blog. You have got to be kidding that its that easy and I hadn’t figured it out! Thank you for saving me from future embarassment! I love your chickens. We have so many hungry raccoons here that its not safe for them , otherwise I would love a few.

  4. Oh Lucy!
    First I must thank you for the “chicken” mention! I guess I should consider myself a “chicken” kind of gal! And your snowman is the best! How cute he is. The sock monkey is so…monkey-ish! Did you create her shoes from scratch?? How sweet are they???
    I am expecting a bit of inheritance $ soon…perhaps the snowman might be mine!!!

  5. Yes the shoes are great and the bags and the snowman, actually the snowman is my favourite.

  6. I just want to EAT that sock monkey-so CA-YUTE! And thanks for adding me to the chicken people list! I am a chicken person, sigh, as eccentric as my neighbors may think me to be….Love your blog by the way!

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