
Posted by on January 28, 2005 in other things, Uncategorized | 0 comments

I haven’t been engaging in many creative activities lately, which is sometimes frustrating. I have all sorts of ideas and projects I want to work on, but real life gets in the way too often. That, and the fact that my ‘studio’ is a disaster and one of the areas high on my ‘de-clutter’ list. If I get brave this weekend I’ll take some before pictures. Although the computer room is supposed to be next on my list, I think for my own sanity I’m going to have to work a bit on my creative space first.

Meanwhile, I’m enjoying the artistic talents of others. If you are a Napolean Dynamite fan and a Postal Service fan, your worlds have collided in this video. Remember back in the day, when MTV played music videos? Those were good times. I’m also planning a road trip to see Cary play in Los Angeles. It’s on a school night again, but I like to live on the edge sometimes. And it’s Illustration Friday! A resolution for February-I want to participate at least once this month, although I should be intimidated by all the fine illustrations submitted.

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