
Posted by on September 17, 2009 in other things | 14 comments

Every morning I have to do my chores before leaving for work (except for the days Mr.HeyLucy does them for me). I throw scratch down for the chickens and fill their feed bowl. I make sure the water dish is full, since it is uses by dogs, chickens, and bees. The dogs get food and my vegetable garden gets watered too. All while looking Farmgirl chic. This is my version of fashion week.



  1. Is that your apron over your work clothes? You look so vintage chic. 🙂

  2. Beautiful!!

  3. Silly ‘computer remembering thing’… it printed my email!!

  4. You could be the cover of a book. So cute!

  5. LOVE it!

  6. love the boots!

  7. If you were on project runway for country chic you would get my vote.

  8. Love it.

  9. Awesome. Wish I looked that good when farming!

  10. You look great! What’s the story with your boots? They are really fun!

  11. They’re wellies from LL Bean. They were a gift from
    My sister-in-law a few years ago. I love them 🙂

  12. Smiling, I see Winston got a side head shot!

  13. I should have posted some outtakes, there were quite a few
    pictures that were mostly dog. You couldn’t even see my cute
    I just added this, just for you :o)
    Sent from my iPhone

  14. what a great look. it’s downright farm girl gorgeous. :o)

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