check one off the list

Posted by on March 28, 2010 in cook, knit | 5 comments

One of the items on my to-do list for 2009 was to learn to make creme brulee. I'm a little late, but I finally did it this weekend. 


I used this recipe, and it wasn't really all that hard. I had a butane torch from the hardware store, and it didn't work so well. It may have been user error. My brother Cary was visiting, and he did most of the sugar caramelizing using the highly dangerous and exciting lighter and butane torch technique. Yum, yum, yum! I can't be making this too often, but I will definitely make it again, it was so delicious!

I might have also started another sweater. I was using this lovely alpaca yarn for another sweater, but when I was nearly done I realized it wasn't very flattering. So I'm reusing it for a tea leaves cardigan


I think this one will work out much better. 


  1. It looks really yummy! πŸ™‚ I’ve used a hot grill for doing the top crunchy bit before although it is a bit risky more that you’ll cook the underneath more I admit.

  2. Very cool! That is on my list of things to learn to make, also. πŸ™‚ I don’t have a torch or anything, though, so it will be in the future some time. πŸ˜‰

  3. Good Morning-
    What a beautiful blog you have.
    I have never made creme brulee- but I understand a healthy fear of appliances.
    I am terrified of a pressure cooker!
    Go figure-
    Enjoyed visiting and am now a follower!
    White Spray Paint

  4. That Tea Leaves is on my list, too. I just have to finish my Featherweight Cardigan. Right after I finish my Pimlico Shrug…

  5. I just found your blog while looking for a t-shirt tutorial. (Your anthro re-do shirt came up) Anyway, your blog is so cute, I am so glad I found it! The creme brulee turned out great! I buy my mix at the local kitchen store (try getting a torch there too… not as scary!) but I have been looking for a recipe to make it myself! Thanks so much!!

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