
Posted by on June 14, 2005 in stitch | 1 comment

I was sewing away happily on an apron to share at tie one on when my sewing machine started making a very ugly clattering sound. No! I tried everything, but to no avail, it’s sick and I’ve had to take it to the nice repairman to make it better. Sad sewing machine:


And I need to work on my Backtack project as well. Gah! Ah well, I dropped it off yesterday and he said it would only take a couple of days, so I will be back in sewing machine land by the weekend. Meanwhile, here is the partially finished apron:


Linen with pintucks and a scalloped bottom in a cute print. It has chickens on it! Since I can’t sew, I guess I could work on my Scoop du jour. Or maybe I’ll just play a computer game tonight.

1 Comment

  1. The backtack projects look like so much pressure, now that I’ve seen some of the finished ones. They are out of this world wonderful. I hope your sewing machine feels better soon! 🙂

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