Blue Flower Bag

Posted by on April 11, 2005 in stitch | 1 comment

The project for this weekend, when I should have been finishing the laundry and vacuuming up all the dog hair:


I needed a bag to haul stuff to and from work-lunch, unopened mail, knitting, magazines, books-you know, all that stuff that doesn’t fit in a purse. I picked up these curtains at a thrift store a few months ago, not knowing what I would use them for, and this was the perfect project. I lined it with some natural linen. If I had a signature fabric, linen would be it. Maybe I should have a signature fabric! I now declare and state that linen, especially natural linen is my signature fabric. What is your signature fabric? Please share!


I also made a flower from the Japanese book. It was very easy, and I like the way it came out. I used a vintage button (from the 40’s, according to the card it was on) for the center. I think it needs some friends, it would probably look even cuter if there were 3 flowers.

1 Comment

  1. i love your bag. why am i waiting to learn how to sew?

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