Bear, the ADD wonderdog

Posted by on January 26, 2006 in other things, Uncategorized | 4 comments

I have made only one curtain so far. It was crooked and I had to do a lot of un-picking so I was a little discouraged and haven’t finished the second curtain yet. This weekend I will make myself finish. So instead of pictures of my pretty room, I will share pictures of my pretty (dumb) dog. It’s been awhile since I brought a pet to my blog.

Bbear1 Bbear2 Bbear4
These are the best attempts I have of our little photo session. He cannot stay still. Can Not. Physically impossible. He loves his tennis ball or whatever object he finds in the yard to carry around in his mouth. Sticks, rocks, plastic pots. One day he found a water bottle and it kept him entertained for hours. He likes to fetch stuff that I throw for him, but he hasn’t quite figured out that if he brings it back to me, I’ll throw it again. So he fetches and then prances around with the ball or stick or whatever in his mouth.

He’s always happy to see us, and will come running to the gate at the sound of our cars. He comes when we whistle. He also responds to ‘Bear’, ‘Goofy’ and ‘Stupid’. We probably shouldn’t have started calling him that last one.

He loves to get in the car, but shivers uncontrollably when I leave him to run into the post office or market or hardware store. He tries to hop in every morning when I leave for work, so I make him go sit on the porch. Have you ever seen such a pitiful sight? He’s a big wimp and doesn’t really like other dogs except for Reggie. He’s scared of strangers and will pee when they try to pet him. But we still call him the best $60 dog that ever was.

I’m addicted to Flickr. I don’t know what took me so long.


  1. What a cutie! Have you tried bribing him with a treat to get him to bring back the toy? If your dog loves treats that usually works.

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  3. Hi our little brothers.

  4. Just wanted to say hellot