back in business

Posted by on September 21, 2008 in craft, stitch | 5 comments

I’ve decided to embrace my inner capitalist, and start listing stuff in my etsy shop again. I’m working in earnest this weekend on a few things, including some inexpensive items, like this tiny little pincushion in a tart pan.


Since I have a pretty severe case of creative ADD, there will be a pretty wide variety of items, from little quilts to hand-bound books to sock monkeys. I’m not sure if that will make for a successful etsy shop, but I’m going to give it a shot. Stay tuned for regular previews right here in this space!


  1. Very cute and for the record I love shops that have diverse items, I think you should just categorize things well…congrats on your new venture and I will be looking in for something for myself…

  2. I’ll check it out! I would like to do the same, but I have this issue with finishing things and I guess people want things that are completed. My friend was teasing me yesterday at this craft festival we went to- she told me she didn’t want to be involved with any other ideas I had about making things I saw there. She and I always leave these crafting deals and buy all sorts of materials and never complete a thing. haha! I just have too many things on my plate and get too distracted with silly things like, oh ,schooling my child, helping with honors Biology homework, cooking dinner, doing laundry. You know, life! I am anxious to see your goods. The pin cushion is very cute.

  3. Yay! Good news, I can’t wait to check it out!
    Would you be able to send to London at all if I decide to purchase something? Or perhaps to Canada, as I will be there for a couple of weeks in January…

  4. That pin cushion is quite adorable, good luck with the shop.

  5. Good luck! I love the “inner capitalist” – we’ve probably all got one, to a greater or lesser extent!

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