
Posted by on August 16, 2008 in craft | 7 comments

Just a quick little post to show the after version of my little footstool.


Spray paint sure is fun. I wish you could get custom mixed colors, like regular paint. I do like this yellow, though. I’m still going to try lining the inside and making an embroidered cover for the cushion.


  1. It is beautiful and sooooo fun!

  2. Love it! It is so cheerful!

  3. Your brother’s photos are truly beautiful. I loved the one of the butterfly on the wheat stalk.
    And your stool is fantastic. I love it against the blue.

  4. Wow, I love it! Along with the rest of your house!

  5. Very bright, i love painting things too…we have a lot in common.

  6. it turned out great! and just like that it’s done! I would have put it off and put it off and put it off…

  7. It looks great, very fun! I love refurbishing furniture.

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