warm & cozy

I was nearly done with Lady Eleanor v2 when I had to drop it and make quilts instead. Now that I’ve had a few free evenings, I managed to get it all finished.

I’m still not crazy about this color way, but I don’t hate it, either. It will get a lot of use, too, as my office has been freezing the past couple weeks.

Bear and Winston were helping me out with my knitting photo shoot.

Winston is even worse than Bear. He always has to be Right Next to Me, as illustrated here:

Despite the sadness this past week, there’s been some fun stuff too, what with my birthday and a trip to Petco Park for a baseball game. I was quite lucky and got a new zoom lens for my camera, and tried it out at the game.

Action shot! I’m not much of a baseball fan, but it’s always fun to go to the game, and it was lots of fun with my camera. 

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Sheesh, I finally did it. I sewed the darn pocket on.
I was hoping it would look like a tulip. It sort of does, right? I’m okay with it, I think.
I’m getting pretty good at sewing binding to things. Here’s my helpful hint for seam binding: if you’re going to be going around curves, make sure you use bias binding. Sure, it’s more of a pain to cut out, but there’s no way I could have used straight binding to do this.

Another project I’ve been working on is up and running. This one is a collaboration with my sister. We both have new cameras and new-(ish) versions of Photoshop that we want to learn how to use, so we decided to share the process with everyone. Each week we’ll exchange pictures and then play with them in Photoshop-she has Elements, and I have CS2, so there should be something for everyone. We’ll also share links and resources and other fun stuff relating to photography and Photoshop. I thought it would be kind of cool to have a site for those of us who don’t really know what we’re doing, but want to learn. We’re posting step-by-step what we do, so you can follow along at home. And of course, participation in the comments section is highly encouraged. So please visit, and spread the word!

And lastly, if you need a song for your Valentine on Thursday, I must admit to being partial to this one. You can buy it on Cary’s Myspace page.

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a little sunshine

I had to stay home this morning to wait for the plumber, and there was lots of sunshine, so I took more pictures. I’m still in auto mode, but I’m watching my Nikon School DVD, and reading my user manual, so eventually I’ll actually change a setting and see what happens. There are a lot of buttons and dials, so it may take me awhile just to learn what they all do. Typepad reduces the image size quite a bit, so I added these pictures to my Flickr account too, if you’d like to look at them a little bigger.

The cats love the new bathroom almost as much as I do. Lucy sits and looks at the spout on the tub, until I turn it on for her, so she can get a drink.

I got a pretty good close-up of our Christmas tree. You can see a couple of my glittery nests, and a pair of wings.

I finished up my gift-wrapping while waiting for the plumber this morning too. This idea I blantently stole from Kathleen. I’ve had the same Amy Butler paper for quite a while, and this was a very good use for some of it.

My sister and Mr. P will be in town for New Year’s, and she’ll be bringing her camera along, so we can go on some photo adventures out and about in San Diego. Fun!

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