a yarn and cupcake kind of day

Posted by on March 16, 2011 in knit | 2 comments

No time for blogging, I’m visiting family in Spokane this week. I went to a nice little place called A Good Yarn yesterday. After you buy your yarn, they let you use their swift and winder. That was much more fun than doing it myself at home.

I am vacationing without my laptop, so I hope this post works from my phone!

a yarn and cupcake kind of day


  1. Have fun in Spokane. You picked a rainy windy time to come. I live just outside of Spokane. If you have a chance, check out Madeleine’s. Madeleine’s is a gourmet French cafe serving lunch and dinner in the heart of Downtown Spokane. That is, if you like that kind of stuff. If you get access to a computer you can look up their site with menu and prices. It could be spendy..but great food. Again have fun in Spokane with family.

  2. That is too awesome!

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